12 October 2012

A Love Story About Marrakesh

I had to share another little love story with you. Apparently these are quite popular on the blog because last time I posted a little love story it became the biggest deal this blog has seen. So here we go.

Being alone and up late into the night recently, I was looking at Maryam Montague's book Marrakesh By Design. Maryam is the author of the beautiful blog My Marrakesh and she and her husband own and run the boutique hotel Peacock Pavilions. I started thinking about how much I would enjoy looking at this gorgeous book with The Man.

He is such a great guy for me because he is an outdoorsy guy but he also has this whole artistic, creative side too. He can sculpt amazing things out of bits of children's clay, has created some amazing art and will blow your mind with his shadow hand puppet skills -- he can do breeds of dogs! Seriously, it's crazy. The Man has decorated several homes and has good taste. Based on design books he owns, I knew he would like the Morrocan inspiration of Marrakesh By Design.

Since he's away, it isn't possible for us to look at it together for a while so I did the next best thing. I emailed the link to him and told him how I much thought he would like it and how much I wished we could sit together and look at it.

Then next morning not long after I woke up, he surprised me with a Skype call. After we'd been chatting for a few minutes he just casually mentioned, "Hey I bought your book. It's on it's way to you." What? Having just woken up, I had no idea what he was talking about. Just as I asked him what he was talking about I remembered the email I'd sent before bed just a few hours ago about Marrakesh by Design.

Seriously, I went to bed, woke up a few hours later and he'd already ordered it. I couldn't believe it. Men are nothing if not surprising. I mentioned his lovely gift to Maryam on Twitter and this was her response: What? That's so sweet! He sounds like a keeper!

A couple of days later two copies of the book came in the mail. And while he's away, it was lovely to be able to sit and enjoy his gift and look forward to looking at it with him one day. The best part is that I'll never look at Marrakesh By Design without my heart going pitter-patter for The Man. Hopefully someday we'll make a trip there and then somewhere design something fun that brings all the colors and spirit of Marrakesh to life that we can enjoy every day. Love you, sir!


  1. Hi Kalani,

    nice story. May I add two words: keep the man... + yes, Marrakesh is just so inspiring, understand you wanted the book.



  2. Adorable! What a thoughtful surprise. Marrakech is definitely on my must visit list too.


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