24 August 2012

Sometimes A Fall Is A Good Thing

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Is that Fall I feel in the air? Finally we have gotten a bit of a break from the heatwave. Kids are back in school here, the college youngsters are all headed back to campus, Labor Day is just days away.

It's hard to believe that Fall 2012 is just around the corner. Wasn't it just Christmas 2011 a few minutes ago. One of the things that most baffles me about life is the passing of time. I know I mention it here all the time. But isn't it amazing how fast and slow it's passing can feel at different times in our lives?

Darkness is creeping in earlier and earlier every night. This is a change in seasons I never enjoy. So with the coming of the darker months part of me is trying to think of how it might be enjoyable. I'm trying to envision nights by the fire, knitting, drinking tea and cocoa, layering with a sweater and scarf again. It's merely a nice attempt on my part to psyche myself up for winter. The darkness is my big beef about winter here because there really isn't much to complain about with our winter weather in SoCal. It pretty much just stays nice and lovely during the day, but can get pretty cold at night. Spring really is our lame season.

I always find it helps to have something to look forward to. It seems too early to be talking about it, but The Man and I are already discussing where we will spend his two weeks vacation for this winter. This year it's going to require a lot of arrangements, so we do need to make some big decisions quickly.

I'm also trying to make of list of fun things to do. I kind of let that slip the past little while and living in the amazing city I live in I just have no excuse for not being out there adventuring as much as possible. It's amazing how much of this area I still have not seen. I haven't been doing enough things I really enjoy doing. That is the spice of life and I have definitely let the spice lag a bit in my existence. Working on rectifying that ASAP. Shame on me. It seems to require constant and continual effort to make sure we are living the life we want for ourselves, doesn't it?

I like the term course correction. In any journey there is the need to make slight adjustments along the way to end up at the correct destination. I need to tilt my steering wheel slightly towards a few more "love to" activities and slow things down on the "must do" chores a little bit. Sometimes a change of season is the perfect time to take a few minutes for some course correction analysis. In fact it seems inherent to the change of seasons that we look forward and ask ourselves what we want to let go of and start doing differently.

So maybe the oncoming Fall season is something I can actually look forward to. It's my chance to make some changes. Reinvigorate my life goals...and do it with a favorite, cozy sweater on, next to the fireplace, with a cup of cocoa.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE fall! For me it's just cozy -- cooler days, sweaters, layering, hot tea, fall leaves. But, I do have seasons I'm not so excited for and I agree. Having awesome activities to look forward to definitely helps!


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