25 April 2012

Take A Moment To Inspire Someone Today

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Just wanted to put out a challenge today to do something to inspire or lift another. As I talked about with a friend recently, we never really know what people are going through. There is someone out there who could use your friendship and love today. They might just need a smile in the grocery store. Maybe a friend could use an encouraging card. Perhaps a neighbor could use a visit or a plate of brownies. Someone you know who is going through a discouraging time might benefit from a message of inspiration from you.

I am always surprised when someone reaches out in such a beautiful life in my way. And it's interesting how it usually comes out of the blue at just the right moment. I want to bring more light to this world. I hope today we can do it by banding together to act in sweet kindness to others. I know we'll all be blessed. Happy Wednesday.

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