07 March 2012

Wedding Decor Options from Dollar Tree

I popped by Dollar Tree a couple of weeks ago and bought a few samples of things to try to see if they would work for decor and gift bags. I was really impressed with the quality of the things I was looking for and hope that I can upcycle some things from there too. If you're buying 50 to 100 of something and you pay $1 instead of $2 it really does add up to significant savings.

I have looked a lot of places for small candle holders like these and the least expensive I could find was $1.49 and the quality was much not nearly as nice as these. Here are things I could not find for less anywhere I looked:
The great thing about all these products is that you can order them online by the case. So if you need a whole bunch of anything for a party it's much easier to get them all at once rather than driving from store to store trying to amass the quantity you need. Dollar Tree has a great selection of fun things for Easter as well as all the usual dollar store fare. You never know what you might find there.

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