07 February 2012

DIY Wedding Ring Pillows

I'm working on getting little things together for the wedding. I'm making a list of and taking actions on any little details I can take care of now. One of the things I'm thinking about is making a ring pillow. It's an easy project with simple sewing skills and a little creativity. Martha Stewart Living Weddings has a great collection of DIY ring pillows ideas. I loved the yellow twisted ribbon pillow and these square ribbon edged pillows above.

I'm thinking about doing something with a small woven mat pillow or maybe some pretty green and white fabric or maybe something sea shell themed. It's so darn hard to make a choice to do one little thing only one way. You get one wedding pillow and hopefully only get married once. But there are so many amazing ideas out there. The ring pillow is one thing I haven't really narrowed down, but everything else is coming together pretty well.

If you'd like to see where things are going, you can check out my Perfectly Imperfect Wedding board on Pinterest. If you need an invitation to Pinterest, let me know and I'll get you hooked up. Enjoy the Martha Stewart DIY ring pillow collection. If you have DIYed your ring pillow I'd love to see it. Leave a link in the comments below.

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