18 January 2012

A Pretty View - The Golden Gate Bridge

image by kalanicut

I have so many photos from this week to edit through and equally as many inspirations to share with you readers. This little journey has been so inspiring. I feel like I have learned so much by getting out of my regular routine and just adventuring every day. Talk about good for the soul. Art galleries, amazing design shops, impressive restaurants, long walks, gorgeous sights. Hard to beat.

My one big misstep that I've been kicking myself about, okay another thing I forgot, is to bring business cards with me. I left the little pouch I usually carry them in at home in another purse. Lame when meeting lots of super impressive people you'd like to get to know better. I seem to do this a lot, which is unbelievably lame of me. Something to work on.

Here is a favorite photo from my collection this week taken while on our bike ride yesterday. A nice place to sit and catch one's breath.

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