31 January 2012

Perfectly Imperfect Pinterest Boards

image by kalanicut

I realized this weekend that I have never shared my Pinterest boards with you. I put off joining Pinterest for a L-O-N-G time because I knew the potential time drain it could be to wander around all that deliciousness as the hours, days and weeks flew by without one noticing. When I started wedding planning I broke down and joined because I knew it would be a fantastic one-stop-shop for visual inspiration.

I am proud to say that I have not become addicted, but I have used Pinterest prudently when needed for a few minutes of inspiration here and there -- and I love it. I have been working on a wedding board for a while but have recently started adding new boards.

Today I invite you to visit me at Pinterest, I'm kalanicut there. It's been fun to see people repinning my DIY projects, photography and more. Even better it's been fun to find many friends that I know in person and through the blogosphere there. I hope you'll enjoy my boards and follow along. I'll look for you there too and check out what you're up to.

I'll be back later this morning with a Tuesday Quick Tip. It's not an ancient Chinese secret but it may be a very old school, old Hollywood secret for chasing away wrinkles - no lasers, no skin burning acids or creepy "over-plastic surguried" doctors to deal with. Check it out. Have a great morning!

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