08 November 2011

Thankful November Day 8

image via BHG

I've been having a bit of a love affair with menial tasks lately. Sometimes there is nothing better than to be able to lose yourself cleaning a bathroom, unloading the dishwasher or doing yard work. Yesterday I poured myself into doing laundry. All the towels and a bunch of clothes. It was such a great way to get something important done and at the same time accomplish a To Do that didn't require a lot of mental concentration.

Even better I put on one of those wonderful, gooshy Hallmark Christmas movies and did wash. It was such a great getaway from the worries of the day and such a fantastic distraction. Sometimes you just need good hard work to clear your head and you end up with a pretty house, lovely clean clothes and a fresh perspective when you're done. What are your favorite "household chore getaways"? Any you can say you are thankful for?

Later today I'll be back with a Tuesday Quick Tip. Hope it's a great Tuesday for you.

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