12 November 2011

Thankful November Day 12

Today I am thankful for amazing opportunities I have had in the past four months to meet and learn more about many different and interesting people. It's been a really fun social season with people I have met through blogging.  It's so cool how many great people I have met as a result of starting this blog and the opportunities that have come to me. I am blessed and grateful for these associations and experiences. It's fun to talk with kindred spirits in Australia, Europe, Asia and across the United States and to learn from all they have to teach and share.

It's been great to be exposed to so many different kinds of people and hear their thoughts, learn how they became who they are and what they are dreaming of and working towards today. The generosity within the blogging community is quite tremendous and I am so appreciative of all the people who have met me with generosity, grace and friendship.

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