11 November 2011

Thankful November Day 11 Thank You Veterans

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Easy choice for my Thankful November post today. To my immediate military family and the tight knit military family at large I say thank you for your service. I know you have made great sacrifices, many that will affect you lifelong. You have offered yourselves despite loss of life, life-long health challenges, the emotional wear of battle, the instability of constantly moving life and home, and many other ways. I appreciate that you made these sacrifices for the greater good, for something bigger than yourselves.

I pray the country, the government and our people will continue to recognize your sacrifices, have an increasing humility for your challenges and support your well-being in every way possible.

Sending my love to The Lieutenant Commander, The Colonel and up in heaven to The General (wish so much you were here with us, you left too soon.) Thank you so much for teaching me the noble and generous attitude of a warrior. Best regards to all our veterans on this special day.

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