19 October 2011

Step By Step

Hi. I'm back. I actually got a call yesterday checking to see if anything bad had happened to me because I had not posted for two days. My apologies for my unannounced absence. It's been a very busy couple of days with some major activities going on. Last week was a very interesting week. It seemed every day something amazing and good happened. The strangest of all was a woman coming up to The Man and I sitting at a table in front of a restaurant.

She handed us a pretty pink wrapped gift and said she wanted to do something nice for someone and this was a gift, with no strings attached. She just wanted to do something kind and good. We were very taken aback! We weren't sure what to think, sitting there looking at each other in shock as she disappeared into the night. We talked about that experience in a bit of shock the rest of the night, trying to figure out who this woman was and talking about all the bad things we were expecting when she approached us. Oh, I'm  sure you want to know what the gift was, right? I almost forgot to tell you. It was a wood and leather photo frame.

All through the week good things were happening. Unexpected phone calls, good news emails, surprised gifts and other unusual mail. Even a very unpleasant experience we were dreading turned out to be very pleasant and easy and took only a few minutes. It's interesting how God shines little rays of light on your life and you can't help but feel so grateful.

I hope it continues and continues. I'm scrambling to get some things done at the moment. I'm going to post again later this morning about some fun wedding planning stuff I enjoyed last week. Hope you are enjoying all the little beautiful things that are happening in your life. They are really what keep you going, those little daily blessings and moments of joy.

1 comment:

  1. Jane @ The Borrowed Abode13 November, 2011 19:39

    Well, as you can tell I'm insanely behind in my blog reading. I somehow missed this post - but am glad you had a great few days in October!


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