18 July 2011

It's Summer People, S-U-M-M-E-R!

What's all this talk about back to school and Christmas in July? Stop it now, I demand it. It's summer for Pete's sake. Let's enjoy it while it lasts. We're just getting going with this Summer 2011 and the best is yet to come. Right?!

So rather than thinking about new boots and coats for the Fall season or start decorating projects for the holidays, let's sit back and enjoy some beachy summer design projects thanks to MarthaStewart.com. I'm a big fan of beach style decor. Living near the ocean and with my Polynesian heritage, I really love these inspired ideas for pillows, candles, curtains and more. They make me want to switch things up a bit with these easy-to-do products and host a pretty summer dinner party.

There's lots of summer left, let's not forget it. Live it up. Enjoy the days of light because we know the winter and shorter days will come. Get back to summer with some great ideas from Martha's team.

photo via marthastewart

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