29 July 2011

Ah, Normalcy

It's so lovely to be back in a routine as of this morning. Love it. Unfortunately part of that routine involves putting everything away and cleaning the entire house, maintenance men working in my bedroom, all the windows closed for exterior building high-power washing and a living room full of patio garden plants that had to be brought inside to accommodate the washing. But oh, doesn't it feel good to have slept in my own bed, have a closet with clothing options I haven't seen in a while and a kitchen full of food that isn't from a restaurant or fast food chain. So happy to be at home.

It's amazing how nice it is to see your own dishes, fix the pillows on your own couch and catch up on TiVo shows you're actually interested in and check the mail. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.

I have three important projects today, besides the "duties." I need to get to the library and pick up the next volume of Laura Ingalls Wilder books, I need to trim the rosemary, thyme and basil then make my first attempt at pesto before the basil dies and lastly make homemade spaghetti sauce with the many, many tomatoes we have that desperately need to be picked from the vine. I will freeze some of it and definitely enjoy some of it this weekend with a beautiful big salad.

Hope all is going well for you. I've missed being with you. Looking forward to being here more in the coming days. Have some fun things to share. Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your 3 projects went well. They sound perfectly soothing after a long time away from home. I love coming back to my own place and setting things right again.


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