07 June 2011

Garden Delights In Small Spaces

Thought I'd give you a little break from all my long-winded philosophizing and share a little extra post today. For a farm girl living in the city there is a great joy in growing some crops. Love some crops. Here's a little peek at what's happening in the little balcony garden. Looking forward to a fresh batch of The Man's homemade salsa this afternoon.

There is an ongoing little dispute here at home about what happened to the large batch of salsa he made last week before he left town. It seems to have disappeared. I did pack of a good portion of it for him to take with him. I keep playing it down, but it was the best salsa he has ever made by a long shot. Perfection. Of course homemade salsa is full of good anti-oxidants, so I feel it's the right thing to do to eat as much as possible, right? Plus it's fat free -- until you add in the chips to scoop it up in...haa-haa. But there are plenty of other good ways to eat a good salsa. Mouth watering now.

Hope this encourages you to make use of a little piece of soil somewhere. Even if you don't have any outdoor space, most cities have little community gardens you can get involved with. I have to tell you our homegrown tomatoes are deep, deep red and meaty all the way through. No hollow seed canals, no pink. I have never seen such gorgeous tomaotoes. When the man tasted the first one of the season he melted and was talking about it for days. Buying tomatoes is just depressing after a tomato like that! I don't eat tomatoes unless in salsa or cooked so I enjoy the appearance and the joy these bring to others.

Have a fantastic day and from my heart, thanks for being here. It is such a joy to connect with you. Sometimes you shock and surprise me when you mention something you've read here. I think "wait, how did you know that?" or "people really read this stuff?" Besides it pushing me to learn and grow, my greatest joy since creating this blog is connecting and communicating with you, my friends.

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