I'm guest blogging at Design R today all about maximizing the floorspace in your home by going vertical -- planning and organizing shelves. Consider how much you could maximize the space in your home by using more wall space and less floor space. Please stop by and say hello.
Rebecca Ward, the talented interior designer behind Design R also has lots of great projects and advice on her blog that you will enjoy. Tuesday she'll be guest blogging here at kalanicut on a topic I can't wait to share with you. I'd love it if you'd pop over to Design R and check out my post and let me know the ideas have application in your home.
Hope you're having a phenomenal day. I had a great morning. I met Kelly of Ever Kelly after several months of online chatting. We live just blocks from each other, in fact she used to live on my same street. It was so great to meet her and I felt so inspired coming home with lots of new ideas and perspectives she shared as we enjoyed baked goods and beverages. I met Rebecca and Kelly through the Blogging Your Way class which I continue to reap benefits from.
Thanks Kalani for sharing your advice on Design R today! Love it!