It's finally the big day to share with you the new workspace. Here are some Before Shots for you. So happy that it has come together. I very much enjoy sitting here each day working at a comfortable workstation. It has everything I need at my fingertips, it's very quiet, with fresh flowers around and a big, sunny window at my side! Right now, for my living situation this really is the DREAM workspace. I have to give The Container Store and IKEA big shout outs for the major elements that made this happen.
The total cost for this project included the desk, shelving, small metal bulletin board, TV, baskets and silver paper trays. Everything else I already had and everything I purchased I can easy take with me in a move. The shelving and bulletin board I got from The Container Store (30% off), the new TV from WalMart online ($100 off + free shipping to a FedEx store down the street from my house), the baskets are from JoAnn Fabric and Craft (50% off).
The Man also generously gifted me the lovely wireless printer - I'm certain he gets paid back in good meals, homemade banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, golden cakes with chocolate frosting and other things. I'm sure you would agree....and now are you suddenly craving something sweet. Haa-haa. By taking my time, planning, doing my research and thanks to the generosity of two very nice men (one consultant and one dream boat), I saved a LOT of money.
I'll break it all down into a few shorter posts with more details coming later today. Top shelf first. Make it a lovely day! It's all about perspective and a hopeful attitude. Love ya!
Wow! This looks truly amazing. What a great use of space! A place for everything and everything in it's place. I love that! Thankyou for sharing.