17 March 2011

A Gift For You

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I am so excited to start a new gifting experience here on kalanicut. All you have to do is be one of the first 20 people to send me an email regarding this post to take part. Sounds easy, right?

I have really enjoyed reading and studying Sarah Ban Breathnach's Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy this year. Last year I did some of it, but this year I incorporated it into my daily morning ritual and it has definitely been my favorite part of my mornings.

I am buying used copies of Simple Abundance (in excellent condition) wherever I can pick them up. Then I am sharing them with you in hopes of spreading the message of simple, joyful living. I have several books on hand now and will continue to pick them up as I go. I will ship out a book to one of you as each one comes in. Just be sure it's something you'll use before you sign up as it requires taking part in a daily five minute read with accompanying action.

So if you are thinking you could be happier, more peaceful, more focused, more relaxed and living a simpler, richer life send me an email at kalanicut@hotmail.com. In the email please include: name, email address, mailing address and a sentence or two about why you would like a copy.

*Because this is completely experimental, I am putting an initial cap on offering 20 books for now. Then I'll re-evaluate. I'd love to make this an on-going practice with this and other inspiring books.

image by kalanicut


  1. I love this book! Such a great source of peace!

  2. About five years ago I read this book everyday for a whole year... it was life changing. x Michelle


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