23 February 2011

Happy 100th Birthday, Gram

My paternal grandmother passed away in November 1995. Today marks the 100th year since her birth. Our family is thinking and talking a lot about her this week. She was a simple, down to earth woman, of modest means most of her life. She was the oldest of four children and the only girl. From her descriptions, her childhood on a family farm was challenging in many ways.

I spent much of my growing up years living next door to her. What a fantastic opportunity to learn at her feet. For the past few months I have often seen in my mind me standing with her next to her kitchen mixer as she taught me how to level a cup of flour with a knife. I am so grateful for all she taught me about making a good meal, baking, sewing, gardening, working hard, giving service to others, and being a kind and generous person. I thank her for her patience with me in my occasionally bratty moments in my tween and teen years, for my complaining about gardening, mowing lawns and other "burdens."

Whenever I would visit her house I would check the crossword puzzle in her TV Guide magazine which sat on the table between her and my grandfather's recliners. She was an avid crossword puzzler and I was able to help fill in all the answers a young person would know that she was not familiar with. It was fun to each do our part and see the puzzle completed or close to it.

I thank her for writing her life story so that others who were not blessed to know her can still learn from her fine, fine example. I think of her often and look to her guidance and example in my own decision making. I am grateful to know she is watching over me and those I love from above. Love you, Grandma C. Miss you lots! Thank you for your life and all you have taught me.

Photo credit: Aunt Diane, I think...I could not find a photo of our dear Gram so I decided to use a favorite photo of her first six grandkids. From the looks of it, getting this photo taken was something like herding cats. I love that our clothes don't horrify me like they did years ago. I quite like them now. Cute kids.

Left to Right: Me, striking a pose. Strangely I keep finding kid photos of me where I am doing weird poses. I don't remember doing this. Then cousin SC, little cousin Jon, My sister T, cousin KC and her sister TO. All the girls in the numbered shirts are sisters.

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