30 January 2011

Quick Hello

Hello lovely readers. I hope this finds you well. Just wanted to give you a short update about where I have been and will be for a while longer. The last time I was here I had been quite sick for a week. Last weekend I was in the emergency room and then was admitted into the hospital late that night for a few days. I was diagnosed with a serious bone infection which developed from an ear infection and the flu.

My mom, the greatest RN around, came to town to put me back together which I am unendingly grateful for. I am lucky she was with me in the hospital after the second day. She noticed that I was getting sick every few hours which seemed to correspond to one of my medications and they were able to change it and I had no further complications. She has also kept me well fed and rested, taking little walks each day.

 It will be a bit longer before I am back to my old self, but I wanted to stop by. I will take another week at least before I begin blogging again. I am feeling much better than I was last weekend and am a little better each day. My head and ear are still very painful, but my energy is up and I am able to do a few things each day. I will see you back here soon. Thank you so much for your kind wishes.


  1. Ah, you never want to get on a favorite blog and see and emergency room picture. Glad to hear that you are getting the rest and help you need. And so sweet to have your mom to share the burden. Get well soon. I am praying for you.


  2. Take care of yourself. Be well.

  3. big hugs and a large dose of sympathy from my corner ... i had hoped your absence was just you taking some time to get better - and am sad to hear it was such a crummy thing to get better from! take care and know you are prayed for.

  4. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. It's so nice to be feeling a little better each day.

  5. Get better quick!!!! So so sorry you've had a rough week!

  6. Hope you are feeling better soon and take care of yourself. I missed seeing you and your tweets as well.

  7. I was starting to get worried about you so I'm glad you let us know! So glad your mom was able to come help take care of you. Feel better soon. If there's anything I can do to help while you're recovering, let me know. :-)

  8. Feel better soon! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us when you're back up & at 'em!

  9. Girl! I'm so sorry! I am so glad that everything is ok, and that your mom came to take care of you.

    Oh, I am so glad you are feeling better and that things are getting back to normal! Feel better...rest lots and know that I am praying for you!


  10. Great to hear you are ok. Take your time and be kind to yourself - see you back here when you are completely well.

  11. What a blessing to have your mom there, and with her knowledge. Sooo sorry to hear that you had to go through it in the first place...but happy you are now better. I had a similar series of infections a few months ago, all of which began with an undiagnosed ear infection! That old saying about taking care of the little things and the big things take care of themselves is ringing especially true to me now! So glad you're recovering nicely...sending good thoughts to you.

  12. I woke up this morning thinking about an old friend I had lost track do. I have wondered many times over the years how she was, where she was, what she'd been up to. Then I had a beautiful thought (early morning as I'm waking up is when I get most of my inspired thoughts). It was simple. Google her. And here you are, just as brilliant and talented and creative as I I always imagined you would be. Love your blog! Would love to hear from you. Ha' det godt og glaedelig jul! (Ps- it's been many years since I've written those words and won't guarantee the spelling but I think you get the picture!)


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