02 January 2011

Happy New Year 2011

The New Year has dawned and I am so looking forward to it. So far I am not totally settled on my goals - because I came up with three pages of them and I think that may be a page or two too many. But I am making certain to have a new morning ritual which includes exercise, morning study and prayer (inspiration for the soul) and journal writing.

I am using several books & guides to direct this year:

1) Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, by Sarah Ban Breathnach
2) Inspiration & The Power of Intention by Wayne W. Dyer
3) Power Thought Cards by Louise L. Hay
4) The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
5) Peace Is Every Step, by Thich Nhat Hanh
6) Take Time for Your Life & Life Makeovers by Cheryl Richardson

You might enjoy some of these depending on your particular goals and challenges going into this new year. My biggest goals this year are 1) Maintain balance in my own life, 2) Keep a hopeful, positive outlook and 3) Do more service for others.

I am really looking forward to this new year and can't wait to see it blossom. I hope that on this day next year I will be looking back on a joyful, rich, abundant year. Here's my mantra for the coming year, which I've carried with me for several years now.

Sending you my fondest, most heartfelt wishes for a joyful, rich and abundant year for you and yours. Thanks for spending time here! Happy Monday!

photo from Microsoft Clip Art

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