16 December 2010
The 2010 Treasure Chest
This post was inspired by an email I got from none other than H&R Block today. I have to say I was a little annoyed to be getting an email about doing my taxes during the holiday season. That's to deal with in January, not now - how dare they rain on my holiday parade now! But then it really struck me that the new year is just a couple of weeks away now. That's pretty stunning.
I started thinking about 2010, the astonishing year it has been. I started thinking about what I will treasure away from this year, the moments I will most cherish, the things I am most grateful happened. Being a list maker, I knew this was an important list for me to make to help me be grateful, to help me learn from my experiences.
Here's a short list of some of my most joyful moments in 2010. It's funny to me now, looking back that many of these highlights also occurred during some amazingly stressful experiences. Funny how life works that way.
1) Newport, R.I. trips
2) NYC trip & my Leos
3) Simple days with The Man and Little Bug
4) Creative pursuits - many happy projects
5) A Return to journalism roots & lots of writing
6) BYW Class, awesome teacher Holly Becker, my new camera and Leslie Schewring's instruction
7) Utah trip & more than one chance to see extended family this year
8) Time with family and friends
9) Amazing thrift shopping
10) New blog friends
What about you? What are you treasuring this year? What has changed you and brought more peace to your life?
Speaking of good things coming to your life, have you entered to win the beautiful necklace from Pollen Jewelry. Enter now here!
What a wonderful idea! I think I need to do this too. I have a huge list of goals for next year, but now I think I need to re-think them in terms of what brought me joy this year. Thank you! Meeting new friends is way, way up there on my list. :-)