18 November 2010

A Few More Thrift Store Finds -- I Didn't Buy

A little follow up post on Thrift Shopping. Found these amazing bedside tables at Goodwill. Didn't buy them because I don't need them, but I hope someone finds them and enjoys the life out of them. Great deal. I'm still thinking about this piece of art I keep seeing. It's way over priced but I look at it every time I stop in.

I would definitely want to re-frame it or at least I think I would. It's amazing how many times I buy something at a thrift store thinking I am going to upcycle it somehow and then get home and in my house I realize it's just perfect the way it is and I shouldn't change a thing. Hmmm, I'll see if it's still there next time...

I did buy a darling orange corduroy skirt, pink cotton pants with a cute applique on them and a frilly ruffled cotton skirt with a couple of rows of sequins in for good measure -- all for The Bug. The sizes are a little big but next summer they'll probably be just perfect and I paid less than $6 for them all. I also bought a pretty silver tin bucket/pot and a little bowl that matches. I'm envisioning they will go well with this little gem. Total price today as $12.

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