04 November 2010

Baby Style Inspiration from Chic & Cheap Nursery

If you are thinking about designing a nursery or hosting a baby shower, this site, Chic and Cheap Nursery has some fantastic ideas. Created by BYW classmate Nicole, there are so many gorgeous photos along with ideas to save money, do-it-yourself, a link to see amazing rooms, styles for chic mommies and babies, along with reader Question and Answer.

Even if you aren't thinking about a baby, you'll love all the great color combinations and party ideas that you can apply to home design and hostessing. There are ideas for DIY projects that I can't wait to try.

To continue celebrating the first birthday of this here little blog, here's a favorite post where I learned a lot doing research about houseplants. I am pleased to say that since this post I have purchased quite a few houseplants and only two of them have died. Love the idea of cleaning the air in my home with plants.

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaaaaaw! Thanks for the shout out!!!
    You're too sweet :)

    I don't know why I didn't see it sooner.
    Happy Blogoversary!


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