01 October 2010

Impressive Quality & Performance -- Denmark Cookware

Because I cook a lot of fluffy omelettes I am always on the prowl for a good non-stick egg pan. At Marshall's a few weeks ago I found a very nice, heavy, non-stick frying pan and when I turned it over to see the brand I was gleeful to see the words Denmark with a logo resembling the Danish Flag.

How could I not love a pan branded Denmark?! I never knew such a thing existed. Denmark is a pretty wonderful place and the Danes definitely hit the sweet spot with anything they do in the kitchen and the most lovely kitchenware!

I bought the pan and have been beyond please with it. It has impressed me beyond belief with weight, construction, non-slip quality and even cooking temperatures. It's a dream pan and for the price a steal of a deal. Every time I use it I think, I need to get me more of this cookware. I did some digging and found that the Denmark brand cookware has great online reviews, many different cook pieces and the prices are surprisingly low.

I have never been able to commit to a full set of new cookware. I'm not sure why. But over the years I've been picking up great pieces here and there. I think I'm in great shape now, but for a couple of small saucepans. I definitely know what brand I'm going to invest in. You can find Denmark cookware at Bed, Bath and Beyond and other retailers. You can see lots of great Denmark cookware options here.

7-piece cookware photo from Amazon
All other photos from Bed, Bath & Beyond

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