18 October 2010

Christmas Giving List for 2010

A few months ago I decided that my Christmas giving this year would center around emergency preparedness. Here are some of the things I'm putting on my list for family and friends.

1. Collapsible Bucket
2. Camp Stove
3. Hatchet
4. Personal Water Purifier
5. Foldable Shovel
6. Flashlight
7. Foldable Saw
8. 4-liter Water Purifier
9. Hand-crank Radio, Flashlight, Cell Charger

I thought this would be very practical and these are all things that will save the day if a bad day comes. They can all be used for camping trips and other family activities too. Hope this gives you some good ideas for your holiday giving this year. Another great idea is a 72-hour emergency kit. There are lots of great links online with instructions and lists to put together a great kit for gift giving. Happy Monday!

All photos from Amazon.com


  1. A few years back my parents gave all us families large duffle bags and filled them with emergency supplies for 72 hour kits. Most siblings rolled their eyes at this unexciting gift. However, we made good use of ours exactly one year later when we were without power for 7 DAYS following a nasty wind/snowstorm. The handcrank radio and flashlight were the best!

  2. Good for you for preparing for any contingency that comes your way. (My husband is really into this right now.) Hope you add some fun things . . . a few good books, some good coffee . . .we don't want to be deprived too much when the catastrophe comes. ( For me it is tea.)


  3. I hear that, Kati! When I've needed stuff I've been very glad I had it. It's like when my grandmother gave me an atlas when I was little...boring, but I still use it and have worn that thing out.

    Glenda, you are SO right. Definitely have to have some fun stuff in there. I love the tea idea, there's nothing more calming that than and if I going to be using my emergency preparedness stuff, I will likely need calming down! ;)


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