23 September 2010

Rich, Colorful Beads and Baubles for Fall

I finally, finally got out all the jewelry making supplies, bit and baubles I've been collecting the past few months. I have some fun things to play around with now and hope to have some interesting things to show you next week. In the above photo the two turquoise necklaces on the left are what I'm constructing and the two necklaces on the left are in the process of being deconstructed soon to use the pieces in a new way.

This is a velvety little something I've been toying with for a while now and hope it will come together completely this weekend.

Here are some bits and pieces I'm eyeing for new necklaces. And here are some new beads I picked up two weeks ago. I thought they were on sale, but they weren't but I couldn't pass them up at that point. Great colors for fall!

Here's hoping the creative juices will flow for the next few days so I can pull some great stuff together. Should be fun to try to jam this into the schedule the next few days. I hope to post some finished product next week.

All photos by kalanicut.

Later this morning I'll post another new post on Fashionable Fall Footwear found at great thrift stores. Luscious leathers!


  1. Hi Kalani, I like your blog. Great design and content. Where did you get the BYW button? I looked for it on the BYW site and didn't see it. I'll check again. Anxious to see what you make from those jewelry supplies.
    Best, Deborah

  2. Hi Deborah,

    I grabbed the graphic from somewhere and just made my own. I think maybe I grabbed it from the class intro sheet or something like that. Thanks so much for coming by my blog!



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