16 September 2010

Having a Blast with Wish Play Create Class

Wanted to share with you a little of the fun we're having in our online art class Wish Play Create. At the end of a full afternoon of art projecting The Little Bug was asking if we could do more and went on to color for another hour after we finished our projects, so I think art class must be a big hit!

Our second week project, lead by the fabulous Tracey Clark, professional photographer, inspirational blogger and great teacher was all about taking photos of our favorite things around the house. Usually I do my own version of the project along with The Little Bug but because she's still pretty young and we were doing the project at Grandpa Craig's house I tried to minimize the chaos by just focusing on getting her project done.

Tracey recommended hooking up a lanyard or some sort of neck cord to a small digital camera to minimize the possibility of dropping the camera. Because we did the project at Grandpa's house, we didn't have a lot of her usual favorite things to photograph. So she took photos of things she loves around Grandpa's house, including a old plane propeller and his dolphin sculture, toys in his toy closet like the beach ball and the dog that sings a loud song when you push a button (super annoying to grown ups) and photos of her favorite little toys she brought including Lucy the saber tooth cat, the little doggies and Cheetah and her favorite pink hair barette that matches her favorite pink shirt and skirt.

Then we printed out the pictures, they turned out pretty great. Then we glued them onto pretty paper on a long ribbon. Now The Little Bug can hang up this pretty garland of her favorite things in her room. Right now it's hanging on the back of Grandpa Craig's couch and looks quite lovely.

I learned a few lessons. Be as prepared as possible with everything before you get started. Lesson two, it takes much longer to get prepared than I think it will. I think being at Grandpa's house made everything more challenging but it was a great way to spend part of the day. We're sharing all our project in a class flickr group and having fun seeing what other children from around the country are doing with their class assignments.

There are so many great opportunities available to help develop children's creative minds. A great art project is a guaranteed winning activity for kids!

P.S. On October 17, I'll be contributing a guest post for Tracey's inspirational project I AM ENOUGH. You can read all about I AM ENOUGH here. Each week Tracey features an inspirational story from a fellow blogger about how they learned and stay in touch with the fact that they are indeed enough. Happy Thursday!


  1. your banner is just so sweet! great job. and i can't wait to read your essay on tracey's collaborative. thank so much for sharing this!

  2. that's adorable! i want one! (not sure if that means I want to make one or I want little bug to make me one).

  3. I'm in the class too! Our pictures are all over the dining room table right now, but I hope to get the banners together tomorrow (Fri.). Congratulations on the guest post opportunity! I totally love Tracey Clark too!

  4. Mindy & Jenny, thanks so much for stopping by. So happy to connect with our hostess and fellow classmates!

    Christy, we can do an art project together OR...the holidays are coming up. ;) We might surprise you!


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