13 September 2010

Art Piece I Contributed to BlogHer Gulf Auction

If you would like to see the art piece I contributed to the BlogHer 2010 Gulf Auction & Art Gala in New York City in early August it's now available for auction on ebay. Here's the link.You can see all the pieces contributed in the category I participated in here.

To explain to you a bit about the piece, it's torn paper art, meaning I ripped each piece of paper by hand to create all the objects in the piece. The blog entry I was asked to create an art piece from was about listening online and how it informed the author. Although the piece was from a more tech-y perspective, this picture of a woman being informed about all areas of her life by listening to online voices kept coming to me. So there is a "thread" that runs from her left ear, out her right ear and on that thread are small "pictures" of fashion, family, work, adventure, religion, travel, etc.

I hope you'll enjoy this small peak. My great regret besides having to overnight the piece to NYC (OUCH!) was that in my rush I forgot to take a photo! So this image is all I've got. Check out the auction. It's for a great cause and there are some awesome contributions and contributors!

1 comment:

  1. I love the torn art peice, really good. I may have a go at that myself. See you over in BYW.

    Amber xx


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