18 August 2010

Flashes of Brilliance

Last night after I was snuggled into bed I sat there and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes...tossed...turned...my mind was WIDE awake and racing.

So I got up and made some notes about today, then turned on my computer and planned out a little side business my sister and I have been talking about for a couple of years. We instant messaged on Facebook about a plan of attack for that business and on Messenger with the other sister discussing my blog development and design. It was fun and also productive.

Here's where it got even better. I got back into bed. Still buzzing. Then I began thinking again about a dear friend of ours, who lost his dear wife a few months ago. She was my most delicious friend and I miss her dearly. The thought came to me that he probably hasn't had anyone come over and help out with some of the household chores that his wife was so diligent about. I saw a place to offer some service.

I knew I wouldn't remember that thought in the morning unless I wrote it down. Thankfully I have a blank notebook near my bed and I quickly grabbed it and wrote down my thoughts. This morning I was happy to be reminded and I know where I'm going Saturday morning. Big smile.

I find that the older and more busy I get the less I remember these little thoughts that cross my mind in flashes. Writing them down is a must for me now. Just the act of having written them down seems to help me remember them again later, even before seeing the notations. You never know when inspiration will hit and it's great to have a pretty place to write it down.

photo via 

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