03 August 2010

Breathing In the Peace

I realized that today is the first day this year that I have had total calm and peace in my life. First day. Normally I would think that was insanely wrong, but looking back over the past seven months I am doing nothing but celebrating this fact. Yahoo. Peace, peace everywhere. No loss. No crises. No heavy stress. Nothing going terribly wrong. No lack of sleep. No knots in my stomach. This is a wonderful realization.

Another great realization is that I am stronger than I was before. I have learned amazing lessons this year. I have gone through some hard things. I have kept my head above water and in the end thrived. And the best part is that good things are happening. I am looking forward to more and more happy, good things. I am taking risks. I am giving of myself. I am pushing myself to create the things that have been rumbling around in my head. I am having some fun conversations with loved ones about good things to come, to plan, to look forward to.

I celebrate all your struggles and applaud your learning and growing and all you teach everyone around you by example. Hooray for Part Two of 2010. May it be beautiful, abundant and blessed for one and all.

photo via

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