07 June 2010

The Saturday Scramble

Saturday was all about getting little errands done and getting the final pieces I needed to pull the apartment refresh together. Friday night I took a spill with a big dresser drawer in my hands. Really banged up my left shin and foot. Iced them for quite a while and while resting talked to a beloved sister for a while -- the BEST therapy.

Then I got on a roll, even though it was late and kept working and working into the early morning hours. I organized a chest of drawers, reorganized a big closet, sifted through cupboards of toiletries and towels, put up a new shower curtain, organized a car load of thrift store donations, threw out trash and recycled boxes and paper.

After all I'd accomplished I felt I could let myself sleep in on Saturday morning, but my internal alarm woke me right up at 8. I started thinking about all I wanted to get accomplished and that got me very motivated.

I headed out the door towards Deseret Industries in downtown L.A. Once my load was unloaded, I figured I might as well sneak in for a peek. Turns out I found two lowly little pieces that I could not resist. I found a ratty old 2-shelf bookcase that I thought might be repurposed and refreshed and then found a bench decoupaged with prints of vintage seed packets -- so very 90s. I got both pieces for $20. I also found a pile of small wood letters and pieced together "b-e-d" which I thought could be fun over the twin bed in bedroom two. That was another $1.50.

Then I jumped on the 110 to Carson Ikea. I bought a very inexpensive but great bookcase, two beautiful pots, a new house plant, two baskets to use as storage on the new bookcase and a bunch of magazine storage cases to organize paper. The last 30 minutes of my IKEA visit I was really starting to get overwhelmed as so often happens when you try to accomplish a lot at IKEA. I find I start making and unmaking decisions and can't move forward. And usually end up regretting I didn't get something. It was good to get out of there into the fresh air again.

I took a detour to Home Depot on the way home. Grabbed a beautiful ivy plant, another house plant and some organic disease spray for my tomatoes. I was very impressed with Home Depot's indoor plant selection. They had a huge variety, in a variety of sizes and the plants looked really healthy across the board. The staff was helpful, friendly and cheery, especially for a busy Saturday afternoon.

Next stop, the interior fabrics shop. I should have made this my first stop because I was in decision paralysis by the time I got there. I had my chair with me so I took it in and then totally second-guessed my initial fabric choice. In the end I went with my initial choice.

I came home, unloaded the car and fell on my bed and woke up 90 minutes later. I couldn't wait to continue working. I needed paint for my two new furniture pieces and quickly rode to the hardware store picked up a small can of paint, primer and Olde English Oil.

Whew. Then the projects work began, which went late into the night. I'll tell you more about it soon.

photo via

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