14 March 2010

The Quest for Inner Peace

Peace is Every Step, by Thic Nhat Hanh is a little book I have had on my bookshelf or in my purse for many years. Just seeing it reminds me that peace inside is my choice and it's a choice I need to make many times every day.

I have carried this book in my purse with me on many days when I was not sure I could find my way through. I have read it in moments of intense hurt and anger. It has blessed me with greater calm, focus and mindfulness about my life and my interaction with others. I have learned to use school bells, wind chimes and even fire engine sirens from the station house near where I live to remind me to stop and be mindful of the moment I am in and to feel happiness and peace.

I learned that there is nothing I can do about the past, nothing I can do to control the future, the only moment I control is this one, right this moment. That is such an empowering idea! I control the happiness now. If you, like me need help occasionally returning to peace, I highly recommend this book to you. I'm going to skim it again this week myself. Peace and happiness be with you!

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