07 March 2010

Academy Awards Red Carpet Favorites

Quick Picks from The 2010 Academy Awards

The Academy Awards has taken over my full-time work week and weekend, so I won't write much today.
But will leave a few photos and thoughts on red carpet arrivals. I loved SJP's hair and thought she looked good.

Have to say Nicole Richie has a great sense of style and just always looks comfortable in her look. She always owns it.

But this lady looks so amazingly fresh. She just stood out and seems to look better and better all the time. She has got to be eating well, sleeping well, living well. She just shines. That inspires me!
Nice job, Mrs. Kutcher! And to Charlize, I so wanted to love that pretty dress of yours, but every time I look at it, all I can do is think of that TV commercial from a few years ago with the girl with the cinnamon buns on her tush. Marishka Hargitay looked lovely, Kathy Ireland surprised and so many other lovely girls.

So many handsome men. The men that stood out for me were Sam Worthington (might have a little crush, but don't tell), Chris Pyne, Matt Damon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds (maybe another crush) and of course George C. Does it seem like maybe I have a type...light hair...interesting how that didn't work out in real life.

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