31 January 2010

PLAN to Have a Great Year

Can you believe that 2010 is really clicking along? We're already down one month with 11 to go. Amazing. I feel like the days are already flying by, sometimes with too little notice, too little regard and too many must dos. Here's a little something I've been thinking about and recently did to help make sure that I take notice of 2010, that I plan and executes events that will bring fun days and great memories.

I noticed a few years ago that when I had a vacation or something big to look forward to I was more optimistic, hopeful and pleasant in the days leading to it. I knew a reward was coming and that helped me to be positive and confident about every day tasks and requirements. I thought I should be able to apply this principle to smaller events and things to look forward to as well.

In late December I took a sheet of paper, wrote 2010 across the top then divided the remainder of the sheet into 12 boxes, one for each month. Then I went through each month of the year and wrote down all the family birthdays and anniversaries, major holidays, important religious events and days off of work. Then I went through again and wrote in travel plans,  business trips, weddings and other events we will attend.

Next I looked for important days in family history that we could take note of with maybe a special dinner, family night or small adventure.  I went online and looked up other days we could celebrate for fun and an opportunity to learn like Daylight Saving Time beginnings and endings, Veteran's Day, Columbus Day, Statehood Day and other days of note that would be meaningful to us. 

Then I added annual  festivals and shows that we might enjoy going to, including events at local museums and other family places we frequent regularly. In SoCal this could include going whale watching in Spring, to see the swallows return to San Juan Capistrano, taking a drive during the blooming of Rununculus.

When I was done I had a great overview of what would happen this year and I had a list of fun things to look forward to each month. 2010 looks to be a great year! Staying conscious about making each day special will make this year one to remember.

photo via

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