12 January 2010

A Beautiful Mantra for 2010

I copied this down while watching a service by Joel Osteen, during the first week of January 2006. In the midst of a difficult time in my life I made my own chalkboard using a 2'x4'x1/4" piece of fiberboard, added a chain to the top and hung it on the wall next to my bed. For an entire year I said this mantra at least once every day. It was a great inspiration, source of hope, guidance and peace. I share it with you this week as it seems very appropriate as we distance ourselves from the hardships of 2009 and give thanks for lessons learned and joys had.

I know this is going to be a blessed year. I know great things are in store. Goodness and mercy are following me. God's favor is surrounding me. I am expecting increase, abundance and promotion in this year. I will live the life of victory God has in store.

I wish you a blessed and abundant 2010! I know it will be a great year for you and for me!

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