23 January 2010

Artwork Week

It will be ARTWORK WEEK on kalanicut next week. I was all prepped and ready to share Simple Pleasures Week, but after reading the entire 4 year blog of some artist friends from my college days my artist side is wide awake. 

After seeing all they've accomplished since I last saw them, I felt a little envy at their artist life and regret that I didn't take more chances creating my own artist life. But as I have mulled over the "what have I been doing with my life" thought process I have come to realize that I've done plenty with my artistic side, I've taken risks, I've gained some recognition and there is plenty more room to continue growing, enjoying and developing my artist life.

So in the midst of this moment of growing, learning and listening to the things my heart is saying and wanting, I'm in the mood to talk creative pursuits. In the coming week I will share some things I've created including jewelry, notecards, gift tags, scrapbooks, skirts, handbags and more.

I had all these important things I felt must be accomplished this weekend, like laundry, painting and such, but all I want to do is create a big paper quilt and frame it. I don't really know how to quilt with fabric YET, but I have as much awesome paper as I have fabric and I have an idea percolating in my head...it involves a really big frame from IKEA, a glue stick, scissors, and a piece of foam core.

ARTWORK WEEK is already in motion!

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