22 November 2009

Hot Cracked Wheat Cereal: Searching for Healthy Sources of Food

I’ve made a re-commitment to become more disciplined in my health and eating. I have been thinking a lot about my grandmother’s hot cracked wheat cereal. I did some research thinking it would be easy to find and buy cracked wheat and find a recipe to make cereal in a slow cooker. But it’s not as easy as it seemed. I could not find cracked wheat, even at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. All the recipes on the internet were too complicated, not just simple cereal, but with lots of other things added. Any suggestions anyone?

I also wanted to make bran muffins as another healthy breakfast alternative. I spent two days looking for a good plain bran flakes cereal – three stores! It was almost impossible to find plain bran flakes cereal. These days they have to be mixed with all sorts of fruits and additional flavors. I appreciate a good raisin bran but it feels like things have gotten too over-engineered.

It is also very difficult to find packaged foods without maltodextrin, malted barley flour or barley malt in them. These are ingredients I’m trying to avoid because they are fermented and associated with Candida.  It’s amazing how many foods that make claims to be natural and healthy contain ingredients that are not that good for the body. I finally found a workable option at Whole Foods, Arrowhead Mills Organic Oat Bran Flakes.

Other ingredients I am trying to avoid are high fructose corn syrup, yeast, dextrose and vinegar. A few resources you can check out to find out more are the book Feast Without Yeast: 4 Stages to Better Health by Bruce Semon, M.D., Ph.D. and Lori Kornblum. Dr. John Humiston, at the William Hitt Center, in San Diego is a friend and great resource for information. You can find him on CandidaMD.com, youtube and the Hitt Center web site.

If you have any suggestions on finding cracked wheat, let me know! I’ll write more on Healthy Eating topics over time and will definitely share any great resources and recipes too! Healthy, happy eating!


  1. I had to stop by and say hello. Christie Cropper is a good friend of a good friend, and I was told about your blog, so I had to come and visit. I'm also going to ALT, {live just outside SLC} so maybe the fates will align and we can meet!

    Kudos on the blog, love it!


  2. Petite E! Hi!

    The stars have already aligned! This is spooky! First off you win a prize for being the first comment EVER on my blog. I'm deciding what that is going to be now. :)I'll be in touch.

    Secondly, see what I posted on http://cropstar.blogspot.com/ a couple of weeks ago after I saw your comment there about the Mix Tap Contest:

    "Wait a second! Hold it! Petit Elefant knows Cropstar5 (aka La Belle Dame Sans Regrets)?! I read Petit Elefant every day for Pete's sake! This is my second spooky blog connection of the week!

    Petit Elefant, I'm kalanicut, Cropstar's sister. Not that you can hear me or will even read this. But I'm waving!"

  3. Found Bob's Mill Cracked Wheat in the health food section at Smith's in Albuquerque New Mexico! Yipee!


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